Shaun Wylie

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Shaun Wylie [1] Shaun Wylie, (January 17, 1913 – October 2 , 2009 [2])

was a British mathematician and along with Alan Turing a World War II codebreaker at Bletchley Park, contributing to crack the German Enigma machine and along with Jack Good and Donald Michie et al. in the section Newmanry headed by Max Newman to crack the Lorenz cipher [3].

See also

Selected Publications

  • Shaun Wylie (2001). Breaking Tunny and the Birth of Colossus. In Michael Smith, Ralph Erskine (eds.) (2001). Action This Day: Bletchley Park from the breaking of the Enigma Code to the birth of the modern computer. Bantam


  1. Shaun Wylie biography, MacTutor History of Mathematics
  2. Obituary, The Daily Telegraph October 21, 2009
  3. Jack Good, Donald Michie, Geoffrey Timms (1945). General Report on Tunny from The Turing Archive for the History of Computing
  4. Donald Michie (1974). On Machine Intelligence. Edinburgh: University Press,,,
  5. John Maynard Smith, Donald Michie (1961). Machines that play games. New Scientist, 12, 367-9. google books
  6. Chronology of Computing compiled by David Singmaster

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