
Home * Chess * Moves * Sacrifice

[ The Binding of Isaac [1] A Sacrifice is a move offering a pawn or piece in the hope to gain tactical or strategical compensation. The opponent may be forced to accept the sacrifice or may otherwise have the option to decline it.

Chess programs usually need some remaining depth left from the horizon, to find the compensation and to distinguish sacrifices from blunders, either by forced tactical combinations or by positional long term damage considered by huge positional evaluation terms, most likely king safety related. If, during a game, the opponent offers an unexpected sacrifice, the program’s time management should have the “take care” flag on. It might be a good idea to don’t play too fast, happy with winning some material.

See also


Forum Posts

Jon Hiseman, James Litherland, Dick Heckstall-Smith, Dave Greenslade, Tony Reeves


  1. Mosaic on the floor of Beth Alpha depicting the Akedah, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Chess - Wikiquote

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