Ruy Lopez

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[ Leonard di Cutri defeats Ruy López [1] Ruy Lopez,

a chess program by Álvaro Begué and José Manuel Morán, which participated the WCCC 1999, the WMCCC 2001 and the WCCC 2003, where it upset Junior in the first round.


given in 1999 [4] :

Ruy-Lopez is a standard [alpha-beta](Alpha-Beta "Alpha-Beta") searcher, with some innovative [forward pruning](Pruning "Pruning") methods. The [evaluation](Evaluation "Evaluation") function is quite sophisticated and also slow. After four years programming *Torquemada* <a id="cite-note-5" href="#cite-ref-5">[5]</a>, a Spanish Checkers <a id="cite-note-6" href="#cite-ref-6">[6]</a> program, we began programming Ruy-Lopez in July'97 just for fun. This is a very young program, so we have much room for improving. Currently [Spanish Computer Chess Champion](SCCC_1998 "SCCC 1998"). 

See also

Forum Posts

Chess Program



  1. Game of Chess between Ruy López and Leonardo da Cutro at the Spanish Court, Painting by Luigi Mussini (1886)
  2. Álvaro Begué (left) and José Manuel Morán at WCCC 2003, from Chess in a cave – live from Graz, ChessBase News, November, 23, 2003
  3. Graz 2003 - Chess - Round 1 - Game 2 (ICGA Tournaments)
  4. Ruy Lopez’ ICGA Tournaments
  5. Antonio de Torquemada from Wikipedia
  6. Spanish Checkers | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

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