Ruud Martin

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Ruud Martin [1] Ruud Martin,

a Dutch ICT project manager, technical engineer and programmer. As enthusiast and collector of dedicated chess computers, he founded Phoenix Chess Systems in 2009 with the mission to design, build and produce exclusive dedicated chess systems [2], and is since then as CEO of Phoenix Chess Systems responsible for the Mephisto compatible module sets Resurrection, Resurrection II and Reflection, and further for the dedicated chess computers Revelation and its successor Revelation II with DGT technology, followed by Reflection II. Since 2014, Ruud Martin is chairman of the CSVN, the Dutch Computer Chess Federation [3], and is also long time participant of Dedicated User Tournaments such as the CSVN User Tournaments as addendum of the Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship, International CSVN Tournament and more recently, Programmers Tournament.

Forum Posts


  1. Ruud Martin | Arlande, managers van resultaat
  2. Phoenix Chess Systems - Mission
  3. CSVN - Ruud Martin
  4. 7th International CSVN Tournament 2007 - Photo Gallery

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