Ross Quinlan

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Ross Quinlan [1] John Ross Quinlan,

an Australian computer scientist and researcher in machine learning, data mining, and decision theory along with first-order logic and inductive logic programming. He runs his company RuleQuest Research [2], and was affiliated with the University of Sydney, the University of Technology Sydney, the University Of New South Wales and the RAND Corporation.

Based on the concept learning [3] by Earl B. Hunt [4] as used in decision tree learning, Ross Quinlan invented the tree induction algorithms Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3) [5] and their successors C4.5 [6], and C5.0 [7] [8]. and further introduced the first-order inductive learner (FOIL). One application of these algorithms is to discover classifications rules for chess endgames, as shown with KRKN and ID3 in Learning Efficient Classification Procedures and Their Application to Chess End Games [9] .

1968 …

1970 …

1980 …

1990 …


  1. Ross Quinlan’s personal homepage
  2. RuleQuest Research - Data Mining Tools
  3. The Machine Learning Dictionary - CLS
  4. Earl B. Hunt (1962). Concept Learning: An Information Processing Problem. Wiley
  5. The ID3 Algorithm
  6. Chris Drummond, Robert Holte (2003). C4.5, Class Imbalance, and Cost Sensitivity: Why Under-Sampling beats Over-Sampling. ICML 2003 Workshop on Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets (II), pdf
  7. Information on See5/C5.0
  8. Is C5.0 Better Than C4.5?
  9. Ross Quinlan (1983). Learning Efficient Classification Procedures and Their Application to Chess End Games. in Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
  10. DBLP: J. Ross Quinlan
  11. ICGA Reference Database

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