Ronald de Man

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Ronald de Man, alias Syzygy,

a Dutch mathematician, computer scientist and IP lawyer, in the 90s researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology, competitor at the International Mathematical Olympiad 1990, winning the Silver medal [1] , and the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest 1995, to win Bronze within the ARoMA team from Delft University of Technology [2] [3] . He is co-developer of the Linux desktop environment and graphical user interface GNOME [4] , and as chess programmer author of the chess and Antichess [5] playing program Sjaak, which plays at FICS under the handle TrojanKnight [6] [7] [8]. He ported Stockfish to plain C, dubbed CFish, and to Rust as Rustfish.

Bloom Filter

Ronald de Man revealed the trick to speed up repetition detection with a Bloom filter, implemented as a small hash table indexed by some lower bits of the hash-key, to increment a counter while entering and decrement the counter while leaving a node [11] [12] .

Syzygy Bases

In April 2013, Ronald de Man published his Syzygy Bases [13] , a compact endgame tablebase of up to six pieces. It consist of two sets of files, WDL files storing win/draw/loss information considering the fifty-move rule, for access during search, and DTZ files with distance-to-zero information for access at the root [14] [15] .

Selected Publications


Forum Posts

1995 …

2010 …

Syzygy (mathematics) from Wikipedia


  1. International Mathematical Olympiad - Ronald de Man
  2. ‘Programmeren hoef je niet te kunnen’ - TU Delta - Weekblad van de Technische Universiteit Delft, March 16, 1995 (Dutch)
  3. ACM Programming Contest World Finals
  4. gnome-libs-32bit-1.4.2-11.1.x86_64 RPM
  5. ICGA: Losing Chess by Guy Haworth
  6. Statistics for TrojanKnight(C)
  7. Re: AEGON 97/ 1st round: HIARCS lost by Ronald de Man, rgcc, April 25 1997
  8. FICS Statistics - April 2004, Best Ratings - Computer List
  9. Re: random play by Ronald de Man, rgcc, November 28, 1996
  10. Re: computer chess “oracle” ideas… by Ronald de Man, rgcc, April 7, 1997, see also Re: mate threat extension/null move by Don Beal, CCC, October 04, 2004 » Mate Threat Extensions, Null Move and WAC booster
  11. Re: triple repetition by Ronald de Man, rgcc, October 27, 1997
  12. Marcel van Kervinck (2002). The design and implementation of the Rookie 2.0 Chess Playing Program. Masters Thesis, pdf
  13. Re: New 6-piece tablebases by Ronald de Man, CCC, April 10, 2013
  14. New 6-piece tablebases by Ronald de Man, CCC, April 01, 2013
  15. syzygy1/tb · GitHub by Ronald de Man
  16. DBLP: Ronald de Man
  17. Solenoidal vector field from Wikipedia
  18. Coxeter group from Wikipedia
  19. Metro Ethernet from Wikipedia
  20. Randomness in move selection by Robert Hyatt, rgcc, December 01, 1996
  21. Victor Zakharov, Michael G. Malkovsky, Vladislav Y. Shchukin (2016). Compression of underdetermined data in a 7-piece chess table. Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Vol. 40, No. 1

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