Ron Murawski

Home * People * Ron Murawski

Ron Murawski,

an American computer chess programmer, and primary author of the Chess Engine Communication Protocol compatible chess engine Horizon [1]. He already had first chess programming experience in the 80s, where he wrote a chess move generator in Z80 assembly, running perft on the Sinclair ZX81. After that he did not return to chess programming until 2000 [2]. Ron hosts and maintains the Computer-Chess Wiki [3], providing information on engines including engine downloads [4], engine protocols, and chess GUIs, how to play tournaments and more.

2007 …

2010 …

Horizon Chess - Main - Programming

Computer-Chess Wiki - Engine Lists Computer-Chess Wiki- Engine Download List Computer-Chess Wiki - Winboard » Chess Engine Communication Protocol Winboard and Chess Engines FAQ


  1. Horizon Chess - Main
  2. Re: Your first chess program by Ron Murawski, CCC, April 23, 2012
  3. Welcome to the Computer-Chess Wiki
  4. Engine Download List

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