Rolf TC3BCschen

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Rolf Tüschen,

a German psychiatrist and until 2012, computer chess forum activist, pretending provocative critical thinking, often stressing the broad-mindedness of forum moderators concerning freedom of speech, minority rights, and signal-to-noise ratio. In 1996/97, when the unmoderated rgcc suffered from flaming with Rolf Tüschen involved [1], the moderated Computer Chess Club was founded as a consequence, where he was reinstated in 1998 [2] [3] from the expulsion short after CCC was chartered [4] [5]. Rolf Tüschen is vehement critic of the ICGA decision process concerning Rybka and Vasik Rajlich in 2011 [6].

1996 …

Computerchess Misc

2000 …

2010 …


  1. The games of Ed Schroder Part I by Rolf Tueschen, rgcc, October 28, 1996
  2. Rolf Tueschen by Bruce Moreland, CCC, September 17, 1998
  3. Concerning Rolf Tueschen by Don Dailey, CCC, September 21, 1998
  4. To Rolf Tueschen by Enrique Irazoqui, CCC, November 12, 1997
  5. Rebuttal to Chris Whittington by Ed Schröder, rgcc, March 17, 1998
  6. Proposal by AWRIST, Rybka Forum , March 12, 2012
  7. Character assassination from Wikipedia

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