Robert Levinson

Home * People * Robert Levinson

Robert A. Levinson [1] Robert Arlen Levinson,

an American computer scientist, AI researcher and professor emeritus at Jack Baskin School of Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). His research covers machine learning, heuristic search, knowledge representation, associative pattern retrieval and machine creativity. His major project has been an adaptive pattern-oriented chess system named Morph, a system that learns to play chess from its experience only [2].

1984 …

1990 …





  • Jeffrey Gould, Robert Levinson (1994). Experience-Based Adaptive Search. Machine Learning: A Multi-Strategy Approach, Vol. 4
  • Robert Levinson (1994). Experience-Based Creativity. Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Kluwer
  • John Amenta, Robert Levinson (1994). Morph Interactive User Guide. Third PEIRCE Workshop : A Conceptual Graph Workbench
  • Robert Levinson, Gil Fuchs (1994). A Pattern-Weight Formulation of Search Knowledge. UCSC-CRL-94-10, CiteSeerX
  • Robert Levinson (1994). UDS: A Universal Data Structure. UCSC CRL-94-15
  • Robert Levinson (1994). Morph II: A Universal Agent: Progess Report and Proposal. UCSC-CRL-94-22

1995 …

2000 …


  1. Image from old Levinson - Faculty - People - Baskin School of Engineering, UCSC site
  2. the Morph project by Jay Scott
  3. ICGA Reference Database
  4. dblp: Robert Levinson
  5. 12. IJCAI 1991 and Deep Thought vs. Darryl Johansen 1-1, Sydney, August 28, 1991
  6. Deep Thought vs. Darryl K. Johansen from
  7. reprinted in The 23rd ACM International Computer Chess Championship from The Computer History Museum, pdf
  8. Mathematician - Charles Sanders Peirce
  9. “Deep Blue” inspires deep thinking about artificial intelligence by computer scientist by Robert Irion, University of California, Santa Cruz, May 5, 1997
  10. Robert Levinson, Jeff Wilkinson (1997). Deep Blue is Still an Infant. AAAI, Technical Report WS-97-04

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