Robert Arnstein

Home * People * Robert Arnstein

Robert Arnstein,

an American electrical engineer, computer scientist, and early chess and game [1] programmer. Along with Richard Arnstein, Robert was executive of the companies Device Oriented Games, Inc. (January 1979) [2] in its early stage focused on developing adventure games for the TRS-80 market [3] [4] , and in 1993 Rhotech Labs, L.C. [5].



  1. Robert Arnstein from MobyGames
  2. Device Oriented Games, Inc. Company Profile - Located in Dallas, TX - Richard Arnstein, Robert Arnstein
  3. Xenos facts - Freebase
  4. Haunted House (1979) | Renga in Blue
  5. Rhotech Labs, L.C. Company Profile - Located in Dallas, TX - Richard Arnstein, Robert Arnstein
  6. Processor Technology 8080 CHESS User’s Manual. pdf, pdf
  7. A Memorial to BRUTE FORCE by Louis Kessler
  8. Robert Arnstein’s ICGA Tournaments

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