Rob van Son

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Rob van Son [1] Rob van Son,

a Dutch computer chess aficionado, expert and historian, journalist and collector of dedicated chess computers - frequent participant of dedicated user tournaments organized by the CSVN as framework of their Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship, International CSVN Tournament and the recent CSVN Programmers Tournament. He wrote various articles for Computerschaak and Selective Search.

Selected Publications



  1. Cropped from Image 21 of 30e Gebruikerstoernooi
  2. CSVNP25.html:ONK 2000 te Leiden. In tekstformaat. Foto’s 3e Gebruikerstoernooi 200
  3. Schaakcomputer database van Hein Veldhuis - Zie ook: History - Geschichte
  4. The Dutch version of the interview by Rob van Son appeared in Computerschaak 2003

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