Richard K. Guy

Home * People * Richard K. Guy

[ Richard K. Guy [1] Richard Kenneth Guy, (September 30, 1916 - March 9, 2020 [2])

was a British Canadian mathematician, and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Calgary. His research interests included combinatorial games [3], enumerative combinatorics, combinatorial geometry, number theory and graph theory [4]. He studied mathematics at the University of Cambridge, from 1941 to 1949 he was high school teacher at Goldsmiths College and then taught at the University of Malaya, from 1956 at Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi, and since 1962 at the University of Calgary [5].

Guy was chess player and composer of chess endgame studies, and was along with John Roycroft and Hugh Blandford co-inventor of the Guy-Blandford-Roycroft code for classifying studies. In 1939, he started the Stockport Grammar School Chess Club [6], and served as endgame study editor for the British Chess Magazine from 1948 to 1951 [7].

Le Problème

Le Problème, 1938 [8] and 1939 [9] by Richard K. Guy, white to move wins :

8/8/8/3BB2K/8/8/pp1p4/k1b3R1 w - -

8/1p1p1p2/pP1P1P2/8/k1p5/2P1p1pP/2P1P1P1/4K3 w - -

Selected Publications

[10] [11]

1956 …

1960 …

1970 …

1980 …

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Richard K Guy at Banff Conference on Combinatorial Game Theory, June 19, 2005, Photo by Thane Plambeck, Richard K. Guy from Wikipedia
  2. British mathematician Richard K. Guy dies at 103 - Wikinews, the free news source
  3. Richard J. Nowakowski (2009). The History of Combinatorial Game Theory. Dalhousie University, pdf
  4. Richard Guy | Mathematics and Statistics
  5. Richard Kenneth Guy – (German)
  6. Alan Phillips (chess player) from Wikipedia
  7. Richard K. Guy from Wikipedia
  8. Richard Kenneth Guy - Schachkomposition - (German)
  9. Chess Composers: September 30th
  10. dblp: Richard K. Guy
  11. Richard Guy | Mathematics and Statistics
  12. Nim from Wikipedia
  13. Sprague–Grundy theorem from Wikipedia
  14. Crossing number from Wikipedia
  15. Möbius ladder from Wikipedia
  16. Zarankiewicz problem from Wikipedia
  17. Crossing number from Wikipedia
  18. Heawood conjecture from Wikipedia
  19. Angel problem from Wikipedia
  20. Paul Halmos
  21. Morley’s trisector theorem from Wikipedia
  22. Malfatti circles from Wikipedia

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