Richard E. Bellman

Home * People * Richard E. Bellman

Richard E. Bellman [1] Richard Ernest Bellman, (August 26, 1920 – March 19, 1984)

was an American applied mathematician and inventor of dynamic programming in 1953 while affiliated with RAND Corporation. Dynamic programming defines a mathematical theory devoted to the study of multistage processes. These processes are composed of sequences of operations in which the outcome of those preceding may be used to guide the course of future ones [2], an application in computer chess and games is the use of transposition tables inside an iterative deepening framework [3]. He worked and published on Markov decision processes, and in 1958, he published his first paper on stochastic control processes [4], where he introduced what is today called the Bellman equation, also known as dynamic programming equation.

During World War II, Bellman worked in Los Alamos on the Manhattan project. He received his Ph.D. at Princeton under the supervision of Solomon Lefschetz in 1947, and since 1949 he worked for many years at RAND, and was professor at University of Southern California since 1965. In the 50s he was persecuted by McCarthy [5] [6].

Selected Publications

[11] [12]


  • Richard E. Bellman (1947). On the Boundedness of Solutions of Non-Linear Differential and Difference Equations. Ph.D. thesis, pdf

1950 …

1960 …

1970 …

1980 …

2000 …

2010 …

Bellman Equation Documentary Preview, YouTube Video


  1. The Bellman Equation, Richard Bellman, The Movie by Gabriel Leif Bellman
  2. Richard E. Bellman (1953). An Introduction to the Theory of Dynamic Programming. R-245, RAND Corporation
  3. Algorithms that use dynamic programming from Wikipedia
  4. Richard E. Bellman (1958). Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control Processes. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, Information and Control 1, pp. 228–239
  5. The Bellman Equation, Richard Bellman, The Movie by Gabriel Leif Bellman
  6. McCarthyism from Wikipedia
  7. Richard E. Bellman (1965). On the Application of Dynamic Programming to the Determination of Optimal Play in Chess and Checkers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
  8. Richard E. Bellman (1954). On a new Iterative Algorithm for Finding the Solutions of Games and Linear Programming Problems. Technical Report P-473, RAND Corporation, U. S. Air Force Project RAND, Santa Monica, CA
  9. Richard E. Bellman (1957). The Theory of Games. Technical Report P-1062, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
  10. Lewis Stiller (1996). Multilinear Algebra and Chess Endgames. Games of No Chance edited by Richard J. Nowakowski, pdf
  11. List of Publications: Richard Bellman
  12. DBLP: Richard Bellman
  13. Fuzzy set from Wikipedia

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