Richard Delorme

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Richard Delorme [1] Richard Delorme,

a French biologist working in the forest management, Ph.D. in human biology from Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 in 1997 [2], software developer, and games and chess programmer. He is author of the strong Othello program Edax written in C [3], also analysis engine in Stephane Nicolet’s Othello program Cassio for Macintosh [4], and test-bed in deep learning research [5]. Richard Delorme is furthre author of the UCI compliant chess engines Amoeba and its didactic eased counterpart Dumb, both written in the D programming language [6] [7].

Forum Posts

amoeba: an UCI chess engine in D language Dumb: A simple & stupid chess program hqperft: Chess move generation based on (H)yperbola (Q)uintessence & range attacks » Hyperbola Quintessence, Perft


  1. Richard Delorme | LinkedIn
  2. Richard Delorme | LinkedIn
  3. GitHub - abulmo/edax-reversi
  4. Cassio - Play Othello on Macintosh
  5. Paweł Liskowski, Wojciech Jaśkowski, Krzysztof Krawiec (2017). Learning to Play Othello with Deep Neural Networks. arXiv:1711.06583
  6. GitHub - abulmo/amoeba: an UCI chess engine in d language
  7. Re: Dumb 1.0 UCI by Richard Delorme by Richard Delorme, CCC, September 27, 2017

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