Richard C. T. Lee

Home * People * Richard C. T. Lee

[ R. C. T. Lee [1] Richard C. T. Lee (Chia-Tung Lee, Chyi-Tong Le),

a Taiwanese electrical engineer, computer scientiest and professor and former president of National Chi Nan University, Puli, Nantou, where he after the devastating 921 earthquake on 21 September 1999 led the three-day evacuation of the entire student body and the provisional relocation to the campus of National Taiwan University in Taipei [2]. R. C. T. Lee is a humanitarian and has been serving the underprivileged since he was in the college [3] [4].

Selected Publications

[6] [7]


  1. R. C. T. Lee from Wikipedia
  2. National Chi Nan University from Wikipedia
  3. Peach Foundation - Who We Are
  4. Who Concerns about Poverty?
  5. R. C. T. Lee Introduction
  6. R .C. T. Lee’s Publications
  7. DBLP: Richard C. T. Lee

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