
Home * Engines * Requiem

Requiem for Ernst Jandl [1] Requiem,

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol aka WinBoard protocol 2 compliant chess engine by Severi Salminen, written in C with some x86 assembly routines, first released in December 2001 [2]. As bitboard engine, it uses rotated bitboards to calculate sliding piece attacks, and otherwise applies PVS alpha-beta with null move pruning, mate threat extensions, futility pruning, and SEE inside an iterative deepening framework without aspiration windows [3]. Requem has a simple evaluation function supported by a pawn hash table, and has some sense of pawn islands. It is not aware of repetitions [4], and lacks a main transposition table [5].

Chess Engine



  1. Doris Neidl, 2002, Collage to Frederike Mayroecker’s book Requiem for Ernst Jandl, Ernst Jandl from Wikipedia
  2. Requiem (a WinBoard compatible engine) RELEASED! by Severi Salminen, CCC, December 09, 2001
  3. Requiem v0.52 released by Severi Salminen, CCC, February 07, 2002
  4. To Severi Salminen about Requiem by Benny Antonsson, CCC, January 16, 2002
  5. Homepage of Severi Salminen - Requiem

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