RC3A9mi Coulom

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Rémi Coulom [1] Rémi Coulom,

a French computer scientist, freelance programmer in the field of artificial intelligence in games, and former associate professor (Maître de Conférences) of computer science at the Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III, and a member of the GRAPPA and SequeL research groups, in Lille, France [2] . Rémi contributed to computer chess with his famous chess program The Crazy Bishop, the Bayesian Elo Rating system [3] and the Treemap search-tree visualization. The Crazy Bishop was one of the pioneers in supporting the Chess Engine Communication Protocol.

His more recent research interests focus on the more challenging domains. His Lines of Action program Lola and Computer Go playing program Crazy Stone deal with Monte-Carlo Tree Search and Neural Networks, and as of May 2016, Deep Learning [4]. His generic AlphaZero implementation dubbed CrazyZero has networks trained to play Go, Shogi, Gomoku, Othello, Renju, and Chess [5].

Rémi is further co-author of Erica in supervising primary author Aja Huang. At the Advances in Computer Games 13 conference in Tilburg, 2011, Rémi introduced CLOP, Confident Local Optimization for Noisy Black-Box Parameter Tuning [6] [7]. Rémi Coulom was board member of the ICGA as Programmers Representative, superseded in November 2011 by Mark Lefler. He also did the excellent Web site development of the ICGA Tournament Database.

The Crazy Bishop

from the 9th French Computer Chess Championship, Massy, 2002 [8]

Chess Wizard vs The Crazy Bishop, Frédéric Louguet, Rémi Coulom, FCCC 2002

Stéphane, Jean-Philippe, Bernard, Sylvain, Franck, Frédéric, Bruno L, Pascal, Bruno B, Rémi, Eric [9]

Gold with Crazy Stone

11th Computer Olympiad, Go 9x9, Ken Chen, Rémi Coulom, Hiroshi Yamashita and Jaap van den Herik [10]

Open Source

Post by Rémi Coulom on open source 1997 [11] :

In the last release of [The Crazy Bishop](The_Crazy_Bishop "The Crazy Bishop"), I have added a part of the source code. Here is what I added to the web page:
*I will not distribute the source code of TCB. I fear that distributing it can have unpleasant consequences, such as the risk of meeting a modified version in a tournament, which happened to [Crafty](Crafty "Crafty") in [Jakarta](WMCCC_1996 "WMCCC 1996"). I think that keeping the code **secret** is a good way to preserve the fun of competition.*
*However, this distribution includes the source code of the [C++](Cpp "Cpp") chess library used by TCB, along with a very simple (and poor) chess engine demonstrating how to use it. This chess library could be useful for people wanting to write their own chess program. By subclassing the CEngine class, you will be able to concentrate on the programming of the chess engine only, and the class library will give you for free a console user interface, xboard/Zippy interface, search tree analysis tools, pgn file input/output, and more to come in future versions. Since no programer showed interest in this class library yet, it is not documented for more than my personal use. If my code raises some interest among programmers, I will add the necessary documentation.*
Some students in a French school have to write a chess program as a project, and decided to use my chess library. This means that I will probably add documentation soon.
By the way, new improvements will be added very soon to my web page. (probably before tomorrow). I am testing changes I have made this week end before I publish them. TCB 0026 is now about 10% faster than the previous version, with a better positional evaluation.

Selected Publications


2000 …

2005 …

2010 …

Forum Posts

1997 …

2000 …

2005 …

2010 …

2015 …

Crazy Stone Crazy Sensei Bayesian Elo Rating CLOP for Noisy Black-Box Parameter Optimization


  1. Rémi Coulom, 16th Computer Olympiad, 2011, Photo by Gerd Isenberg
  2. Rémi Coulom’s Home Page
  3. Bayesian Elo Rating
  4. Crazy Stone
  5. Re: On-line engine blitz tourney April by Rémi Coulom, CCC, April 27, 2019
  6. CLOP for Noisy Black-Box Parameter Optimization by Rémi Coulom, CCC, September 01, 2011
  7. Rémi Coulom (2011). CLOP: Confident Local Optimization for Noisy Black-Box Parameter Tuning. Advances in Computer Games 13
  8. Massy, France - 5 & 6 Oct 2002 - 9ème Championnat Français de Programmes d’Echecs
  9. Group Photo by Ernest Bonnem, Massy, France - 5 & 6 Oct 2002 - 9ème Championnat Français de Programmes d’Echecs
  10. Computer Olympiad in Torino, Italy, Photo gallery by Hiroshi Yamashita
  11. Chess C++ class library source code released by Rémi Coulom, rgcc April 1, 1997
  12. Rémi Coulom’s Home Page
  13. Re: EloStat, Bayeselo and Ordo by Rémi Coulom, CCC, June 25, 2012
  14. Re: Understanding and Pushing the Limits of the Elo Rating Algorithm by Daniel Shawul, CCC, October 15, 2019
  15. Franz-Josef Dickhut from Wikipedia
  16. codecentric go challenge 2014: Interviews with Franz-Josef Dickhut and Rémi Coulom - codecentric Blog by Raymond Georg Snatzke , October 1, 2014
  17. codecentric go challenge 2014: Final Interviews - codecentric Blog by Raymond Georg Snatzke, November 27, 2014
  18. Andrew Lavin, Scott Gray (2015). Fast Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Networks. arXiv:1509.09308
  19. Why GEMM is at the heart of deep learning «  Pete Warden’s blog, April 20, 2015
  20. Wired Article on Computer GO by Edmund Moshammer, CCC, May 13, 2014

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