Raymond Smullyan

Home * People * Raymond Smullyan

Raymond Smullyan [1] Raymond Merrill Smullyan, (May 25, 1919 - February 6, 2017 [2])

was an American mathematician, logician, philosopher, magician, pianist, and professor of Philosophy at Indiana University Bloomington. He held a Ph.D. in mathematics on the theory of formal systems from Princeton University under advisor Alonzo Church [3]. Smullyan was author of fourteen books and of numerous research articles on the topics of mathematical logic, first-order logic, set theory, theory of computable functions, recreational mathematics, mathematical games and puzzles, retrograde chess problems, and Eastern philosophy. He has been a contributor to Scientific American [4].

Selected Publications


1960 …

1970 …

1980 …

Where is the white king? [10]

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


A Mathematical Mystery Tour

featuring Jean Dieudonné, Michael Atiyah, Greg Moore, Paul Erdős, René Thom, Raymond Smullyan, and Ivor Grattan-Guinness - White Knight at 42:25

  1. Proof Beyond Doubt 5:06
    1. Proof 5:45
    2. Euclid’s theorem 6:58
    3. Are there infinitely many twin primes? 7:25
    4. Goldbach’s conjecture 7:50
    5. Mertens conjecture 8:17
    6. Fermat’s Last Theorem 9:10
    7. Erdős’ problems 12:39
  2. The Foundations of Mathematics 13:21
    1. Chinese mathematics 13:25
    2. Egyptian mathematics 13:42
    3. Euclid’s Elements 15:00
    4. Parallel postulate 16:04
    5. Non-Euclidean geometry 16:10
    6. Hypercube 16:24
    7. Klein bottle 17:00
  3. Discovery or Invention 19:21
    1. Platonism 19:49
    2. Pythagorean theorem 19:57
    3. Golden rectangle 20:48
  4. A Question of Infinity 24:20
    1. Infinity 24:20
    2. Pi 24:50
    3. Mersenne prime 26:36
    4. Countable set 27:58
    5. Uncountable set 30:00
    6. Aleph number 30:50
  5. Cracks in the Foundation 32:06
    1. Mathematical logic 32:06
    2. Russell’s paradox 32:32
    3. Principia Mathematica 36:26
  6. Back to Basics 38:32
    1. Bourbaki Group 38:40
    2. Hilbert’s program 41:25
    3. White Knight 42:25
  7. The Uncertain Future 44:46
    1. Gödel’s incompleteness theorems 44:52
    2. Continuum hypothesis 46:30
    3. Four color theorem 46:38
    4. Computer-assisted proof 50:04


  1. Smullyan Portraits, McTutor History of Mathematics
  2. Mathematician and puzzle-maker Raymond Smullyan dead at 97 by Hannah Osborne, International Business Times, February 10, 2017
  3. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Raymond Smullyan
  4. Raymond Smullyan | Department of Philosophy | Indiana University Bloomington
  5. first-order logic from Wikipedia
  6. George Boolos (1996). The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever. The Harvard Review of Philosophy. Vol. 6, pdf
  7. Knights and Knaves - Wikipedia
  8. Smullyan Problem in Sherlock Holmes book by Christopher Heckman, rgcc, January 18, 2013
  9. Retrospektive (Retroanalyse) from German Wikipedia, Raymond Smullyan, Manchester Guardian, 1957
  10. on c3, capturing a pawn from b3, which took on c3 en passant after 1… Bd5+ 2. c4
  11. inspired by Frank R. Stockton (1882). The Lady, or the Tiger? The Century Magazine
  12. Tiefes Wasser, Der Spiegel 32/1982 (German)
  13. Epistemology from Wikipedia
  14. Gödel’s incompleteness theorems - Wikipedia
  15. Metamathematics from Wikipedia
  16. Continuum hypothesis from Wikipedia
  17. Raymond Smullyan introducing retrograde analysis in the game of chess
  18. Smullyan Problem in Sherlock Holmes book by Christopher Heckman, rgcc, January 18, 2013
  19. Joop van Oosterom from Wikipedia

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