Rainer Staudte

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Rainer Staudte [1] Rainer Staudte,

a German mathematician and computer scientist, alumnus of the Chemnitz University of Technology with research interests in computer chess and Fuzzy Logic. Rainer Staudte is active chess player [2], youth chess coach [3] in his home chess club of Wilkau-Haßlau [4], as well as international recognized chess composer [5].


1990 …

1995 …

2000 …


  1. Chess Composers: July 31st
  2. Deutsche Hochschulmannschaftsmeisterschaft Schach 1996
  3. SV Muldental Wilkau-Haßlau e.V. Jugendleiter: Dr. Rainer Staudte
  4. SV Muldental Wilkau-Haßlau Jugendschach
  5. Aktuelles 2010 - Schwalbe-Tagung 2010 in Berlin from Schwalbe - deutsche Vereinigung für Problemschach
  6. dblp: Rainer Staudte

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