
Home * Engines * Princhess

[ Ruggiero Rescuing Angelica [1] Princhess,

a chess program by Ulf Rathsman written in 6502 Assembly for the Commodore 64. Princhess played four World Microcomputer Chess Championships, the WMCCC 1980 in London, the WMCCC 1981 in Travemünde, becoming runner up, the WMCCC 1984 in Glasgow, where Princhess became tied champion, and the WMCCC 1985 in Amsterdam with a fourth place behind three Mephistos. After the success of Princhess in Travemünde, Rathsman became professional chess programmer and Princhess was incorporated into the dedicated Conchess computers [2] [3] .

See also

Chess Program



  1. Ruggiero Rescuing Angelica, an illustration for Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso by Gustave Doré, Princess and dragon from Wikipedia
  2. Wiki (German)
  3. Karsten Bauermeister (1998). Die Geschichte der Conchess-Schachcomputer. Computerschach und Spiele, Heft 4, August-September 1998
  4. Travemünde 1981 - Chess - Round 6 - Game 2 (ICGA Tournaments)

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