President Chess

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President Chess [1] President Chess, (President Turbo)

a prototype of a dedicated chess computer by SciSys with a Sensory Board and an early program by Julio Kaplan, somewhere between Sensor Chess and Superstar. The computer has a 6502A processor running at 2 MHz with 18 KiB ROM and 2 KiB RAM. It played the 3rd European MCC 1982 in London under the name President Turbo [2]. It was never released, effectively superseded by the Superstar 28K in October 1983. A few test specimen are valuable collector’s items [3].

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  1. Image from SciSys - President Chess (prototype) (pdf) by Hein Veldhuis
  2. Tony Harrington (1983). The third European Microcomputer Chess tournament. Creative Computing, Vol. 9, No. 1
  3. President Chess from Chess Computer UK by Mike Watters

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