Prakash Bettadapur

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Prakash Bettadapur [1] Prakash Bettadapur,

an Indian American computer scientist, technologist, entrepreneur, advisor, angel investor, and executive coach, active in agile transformation. Prakash Bettadapur holds a Proficience Certificate in computing systems from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, a Bachelor’s degree in electronics and telecommunications engineering from Karnataka Regional Engineering College, India, and a Masters degree [2] in computing science from the University of Alberta, Canada, where he researched on quiescence search in computer chess under instructions of Tony Marsland.



  1. Prakash Bettadapur | LinkedIn
  2. Prakash Bettadapur (1986). Experiments in Chess Capture Search, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta
  3. dblp: Prakash Bettadapur

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