Peter Reckwitz

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Peter Reckwitz [1] Peter Reckwitz,

was a German representative of Fidelity Electronics, developer of exclusive Fidelity boards such as the Private Line [2], and owner of Remote Control Systems, a company specialized in tuning of dedicated chess computers. In late 1985, Peter Reckwitz single-handedly marketed the RCS Granit based on an overclocked Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 9 with a program by Dan and Kathe Spracklen, and later cooperated with Ossi Weiner on tuning Mephisto and Fidelity computers. Peter Reckwitz died in a car accident on June 15, 1989.

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  1. Remote Control Systems: RCS Granit/Granit S (German), from the Obituary in Computerschach und Spiele, 4/1989
  2. Fidelity Elite Privat from Wiki (German)
  3. Frederic Friedel (1984).Move from the East.Report of the WMCCC 1983, Personal Computer World, January 1984, pdf

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