Peter C396sterlund

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Peter Österlund,

a Swedish computer scientist and chess programmer. He is author of MLChess, a machine language chess program for the HP 48 series of Graphing calculators [1], developed since 1995 [2] [3], and the UCI compliant Java open source chess engine CuckooChess, both under the GPL. Peter Österlund further ported Stockfish to the Android platform, called DroidFish, with GUI and opening book code, derived from CuckooChess [4].

See also

Forum Posts

1995 …

2000 …

2010 …

2015 …

Approximate ABDADA by Peter Österlund, CCC, August 23, 2017 » ABDADA


  1. HP48 Machine Language - A Journey to the Center of the HP48 S / SX by Paul Courbis
  2. MLChess V1.01 by Peter Österlund, comp.sys.hp48, December 17, 1995
  3. MLChess.txt V1.14
  4. DroidFish - Strong chess program for the Android platform
  5. New chess engine: Texel by Peter Österlund, CCC, March 24, 2012

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