Pawn Pattern and Properties

Home * Board Representation * Bitboards * Pawn Pattern and Properties

Samuel Bak - Hero [1] There are two approaches to determine pawn attack-sets, pawn move target squares or pawn-structure properties - using a single pawn or set-wise with multiple pawns. Since we have up to eight pawns per side, the set-wise approach has some merits. Disadvantage of set-wise operations is, we likely need different code for white and black pawns, while pre-calculated lookups by color and square allows to write more general code.


Properties about the pawn structure are likely subject of evaluation.

Pawns in touch

Fills and Spans

Based on Spans

See also


Forum Posts

Re: Pawn move generation in bitboards by Álvaro Begué, CCC, December 05, 2019 » C++


  1. Chess in the Art of Samuel Bak, Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota
  2. Hans Kmoch (1959, 1990). Pawn Power in Chess. New York: Dover, 1990. Previous ed.: New York: McKay, 1959. ISBN 0-486-26486-6

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