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ParSOS, (Parallel SOS)

the parallel version of Rudolf Huber’s MTD(f) searcher SOS, written in C. ParSOS played the WMCCC 2001, WCCC 2002, WCCC 2003, WCCC 2004 and the WCCC 2006 World Microcomputer Chess and World Computer Chess Championships, the Chess960CWC 2005 and Chess960CWC 2006 Livingston Chess960 Computer World Championships, and the IPCCC 2004 and IPCCC 2007. According to a CCC discussion with Dieter Bürßner [1] and Vincent Diepeveen [2] involved, ParSOS uses a kind of ABDADA to parallelize MTD(f), utilizing a Shared Hash Table.

Forum Posts


  1. Parallel algorithms in chess programming by Dieter Bürßner, CCC, April 16, 2001
  2. Re: Parallel algorithms in chess programming by Vincent Diepeveen, CCC, April 16, 2001
  3. Brutus auf WM-Kurs? by Peter Schreiner, Images by Matthias Wüllenweber, ChessBase News, November 24, 2003 (German)
  4. WCCC (4) ParSOS vs Hossa (1-0) PGN by Kurt Utzinger, CCC, November 24, 2003

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