
Oxidation is a UCI compliant variant engine written in Rust and licensed under the GPL. The variants are configured through optional parameters added to the end of the FEN. The engine and a GUI for playing the variants can be found in the Liberty Chess repository, although the GUI currently only supports an embedded Oxidation engine.

Variant features supported:

  • Arbitrary board sizes
  • 12 new types of pieces (Archbishop, Chancellor, Camel, Zebra, Mann, Nightrider, Champion, Centaur, Amazon, Elephant, Obstacle, Wall)
  • Friendly fire mode (optional setting that lets you capture your own pieces)
  • Support for arbitrary numbers of kings (losing if any of them are checkmated, or by losing all your pieces if you have no king)
  • Options to configure the number of moves a pawn can go on its first move and other miscellaneous settings

Search features:

Evaluation features: