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[ Gaius Octavius [1] Octavius,

a chess engine by Luke Pellen relying purely on an evaluation based on a four-layer neural network without any material analysis, choosing the move with the best score on its single output neuron, performing a one ply look ahead. Despite Sebastian Thrun’s remark, that using the raw board representation as input of a neural network is a poor choice [2], but quite similar to one input representation of the Neural MoveMap Heuristic by Levente Kocsis et al. [3], Octavius has an input layer of 768 (12x64) nodes, a sequence of 12 numbers (11 or 12 times 0.0, 1 or 0 times 1.0) for each square, where a 1.0 was given for the particular piece (if any) residing on that square. Two hidden layers with 1024 and 512 nodes are feed forward to one output node, which represents the score of the position for one side to move. In total, Octavius’ net has 2305 nodes with 1,311,232 connections.

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  1. Head of statue, thought to be Gaius Octavius, ca. 60 BC, Munich Glyptothek, Room 11, Photo by Bibi Saint-Pol, February 08, 2007, Wikimedia Commons, Gaius Octavius (praetor 61 BC) from Wikipedia
  2. Sebastian Thrun (1995). Learning to Play the Game of Chess. pdf
  3. Levente Kocsis, Jos Uiterwijk, Eric Postma, Jaap van den Herik (2002). The Neural MoveMap Heuristic in Chess. CG 2002, pdf
  4. Chess Neural Network: ANOTHER VICTORY FOR OCTAVIUS! by Luke Pellen, rgcc, May 04, 2004

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