Novag Expert

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Super Expert B6 [1] Novag Expert, (Constellation Expert, Super Expert)

a series of dedicated chess computers by Novag with 6502 programs by David Kittinger. Along with Novag Forte, the Expert was successor of the Super Constellation, released as Constellation Expert in 1985, Super Expert in 1987, Super Expert B in 1989 and Super Expert C in 1990. The Experts had exclusive wooden sensory boards with dot-matrix display and 64 square LEDs. The Constellation Expert had pressure, the Super models magnetic sensors.


by Larry Kaufman from The Rexchess Story [5] :

The next step forward came when [Novag's](Novag "Novag") [Dave Kittinger](David_Kittinger "David Kittinger"), [Don](Don_Dailey "Don Dailey") and I jointly worked out how to do an effective [selective](Selectivity "Selectivity") [search](Search "Search") program. Dave put these ideas into the Super Expert B and [Super Forte B](Novag_Forte "Novag Forte"), while Don and I put them into [Rex](Rex "Rex"). 

See also



  1. Super Expert B6 from Novag | Photo collection by Chewbanta
  2. PSH from Wiki (German)
  3. Oldie-Artikel 3 by Thorsten Czub (German)
  4. Novag Super Forte B from Wiki (German)
  5. Larry Kaufman (1989). The Rexchess Story. Computer Chess Reports 1989, pp. 8

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