Norman Whaland

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Norman D. Whaland, Jr.,

an American scientific journalist and translator of Russian and Soviet scientific and mathematical publications and books by Vladimir Andreevich Uspensky, Eugene Dynkin, Nikolai Nikolaevich Vorob’ev and others [1]. Norman Whaland wrote on computer games, computer chess and chess programming, and published A Computer Chess Tutorial in Byte Magazine 1978, reprinted in David Levy’s Computer Chess Compendium [2]. In a letter to the editor of the VIPer newsletter about the CHIP-8 interpreted programming language for the RCA 1802 8-bit CMOS microprocessor, he mentioned using machine code and a Pascal-like language of his own invention [3].


  1. Whaland, Norman D. [WorldCat Identities]
  2. Norman Whaland (1978). A Computer Chess Tutorial. BYTE, Vol. 3, No. 10, Reprinted (1988) in Computer Chess Compendium
  3. viper/issue3.pdf at master · mattmikolay/viper · GitHub, September 1978
  4. Kōnane from Wikipedia

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