Nils Barricelli

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Nils Aall Barricelli [1] Nils Aall Barricelli, (January 24, 1912 – January 27, 1993)

was a Norwegian-Italian psychologist and mathematician. He did early computer-assisted experiments in symbiogenesis and evolutionary algorithms, considered pioneering in artificial life research. In the 50s he thought about to write a chess program to test evolutionary theories, and implemented a program in collaboration with Alex Bell, who wrote a fast legal move generator, in the early 60s. In 1974, while he researched at the University of Oslo, he participated at the First World Computer Chess Championship in Stockholm with his own chess program Freedom [2].

Barricellian Symbioorganisms

Alex Bell explains Barricelli’s Symbioorganisms [4]: Barricelli devised the following extremely simple rules for sexual (symbiogenetic) reproduction. There are two integer arrays, this generation and next generation. The array this generation initially contains a random pattern of positive and negative integers. The following algorithm (expressed in Algol) is now executed:

integer array this generation, next generation [1 :512];
 loop: for i : = 1 step 1 until 512 do 
       n := j := this generation[i];
reproduce: if j = 0 then goto next i;
       k := modulo 512 of (i) plus: (j);
       if next generation[k] > 0 then 
       goto mutation else 
       next generation[k] := n;
       j := this generation[k];
       goto reproduce;
  next i: end;

  copy next generation into this generation;

  print this generation;

  goto loop;

See also

Selected Publications


  1. George Dyson Early experiments in digital evolution. From the column Retrospect by George Dyson
  2. Nils Barricelli’s ICGA Tournaments
  3. Alex Bell (1978). MASTER at IFIPS. Excerpt from: The Machine Plays Chess? from Atlas Computer Laboratory, hosted by Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
  4. Barricellian symbioorganisms in Alex Bell (1972). Games Playing with Computers. Allen & Unwin, ISBN-13: 978-0080212227, hosted by Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
  5. Darwin among the Machines - Wikipedia
  6. Barricelli: Built with Processing by Alexander R. Galloway
  7. Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

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