
Home * Engines * nanoSzachy

[ Buckminsterfullerene C60 [1] nanoSzachy, (NanoChess)

a chess engine by Piotr Cichy, developed since 2004, compatible with the Chess Engine Communication Protocol. While optimized for the executable size - current 64-bit version has only 25 KiB for a playing strength of 2600 Elo. It also has a smaller brother, a simplified version called pikoSzachy, currently 8 KiB and about 2500 Elo, the even smaller pikoSzachy Extreme Edition has only 6.5 KiB and it’s playing strength is about 2300 Elo [2]. nanoSzachy won the 8th PCCC 2009.

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  1. Buckminsterfullerene C60 as major subject of research falling under the nanotechnology umbrella, Nanotechnology from Wikipedia
  2. nanoSzachy and pikoSzachy - Home and Download

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