
Home * Engines * Morphy

[ Morphy [1] Morphy,

a chess program by primary author John Aker [2] for the dedicated chess computer module systems Great Game Machine by Applied Concepts and the Chafitz Modular Game System. The program, written in 6502 assembly is derived from Boris Experimental, which on the other hand was a continued development of the Boris 2.5 aka Sargon 2.5 program by Kathe and Dan Spracklen [3] . Morphy appeared in 1981, and was intended to play the middlegame, in conjunction with the during game play exchangeable Gruenfeld and Capablanca cartridges.

The trio played the commercial section of the WMCCC 1981, as well the open section as Applied Concepts X, both finishing last [4]. The Applied Concepts personal withdrew both entries after some rounds, due to a bug in the Capablanca module [5].

Morphy Edition

Excerpt taken from the Morphy Edition Module User Manual printed in 1981 [10]

Your new game cartridge reflects the latest state of the art enhancements to high-level strategy game play. Your Morphy Edition of Master Chess is the most recent of a long list of world famous chess programs developed by Applied Concepts, Inc. This MORPHY EIDITION is one of the strongest chess programs commercially available today; and, when played in conjunction with its companion cartridges - Gruenfeld Edition of opening book moves and Capablanca Edition of end-game strategies - on the Great Game Machine's contiguous play function, it is absolutely unmatched in strength of play and strategic excellence! 


[ Capablanca [11] The Capablanca Edition (1981/1982) was an endgame module for the Great Game Machine and the Chafitz Modular Game System, programmed by David Slate and Larry Atkin. The Capablanca module was part of the trio around the Morphy program [12].

The endgame starts when the material count is less than about 25, counting a queen as 9, a rook as 5, and so on. When this point has been reached, Morphy also gives a signal. Morphy can continue switching in extra end-game routines, or alternatively, Morphy can be taken out and the Capablanca cartridge inserted for a powerful finish. Capablanca has been available since October 1981 [13]. Capablanca was later converted to become the Steinitz module for Great Game Machine, and Chess 7.0 for the Apple II, Atari 800, and Commodore 64. Even later it became “How About a Nice Game of Chess” for the Apple IIe [14].

See also




  1. Paul Morphy from Wikipedia
  2. Re: Collector’s Corner..The Dedicated Chess Computer Chronicles by Steve B, CCC, November 20, 2005
  3. Applied Concepts - Morphy Edition Master Chess (module) (pdf) by Hein Veldhuis
  4. Gruenfeld/Morphy/Capablanca’s ICGA Tournaments
  5. David Levy and Kevin O’Connell (1981). A New World Champion. Chess, October/November 1981, Publication Archive from Chess Computer UK by Mike Watters
  6. Ernst Grünfeld from Wikipedia
  7. Chafitz Grünfeld Eröffnungsmodul from Wiki (German)
  8. Chafitz Gruenfeld Module Electronic Chess Computer from The Spacious Mind
  9. John F. White (1982). Review-Morphy V Champion. Your Computer, January 1982
  10. Chafitz Morphy Module Electronic Chess Computer from The Spacious Mind
  11. José Raúl Capablanca from Wikipedia
  12. Chafitz Capablanca Edition from Wiki (German)
  13. John F. White (1982). Review-Morphy V Champion. Your Computer, January 1982
  14. chess 7.0 by Will Singleton, CCC, October 16, 2008
  15. Applied Concepts - Morphy Edition Master Chess (module) (pdf) by Hein Veldhuis

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