Miroslav Kubat

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Miroslav Kubat [1] Miroslav Kubat,

a Czech American computer scientist and associate professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Miami and before, ssociate professor in CS at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. His research focuses on machine learning, neural networks, and pattern recognition. Prior to coming to the U.S, he held positions in Austria, Canada, and the Czech Republic [2].

1990 …

Miroslav Kubat, Ivan Bratko, Ryszard Michalski (1998). A Review of Machine Learning Methods. pdf

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Miroslav Kubat | People Directory | UM COE
  2. IJCAI tutorial program for 2001 - Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition: The Impact of Architecture by Miroslav Kubat
  3. dblp: Miroslav Kubat

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