Mikael BC3A4ckman

Home * People * Mikael Bäckman

Mikael Bäckman,

a Swedish computer chess programmer and author of the private WinBoard compliant chess engine Chepla [1]. More recently, Mikael Bäckman (mbootsector) is contributor to the Stockfish project [2], in particular working on and establishing Lazy SMP [3] [4].

2003 …

2010 …

2020 …


  1. Participants WBEC Ridderkerk
  2. Stockfish/AUTHORS at master · official-stockfish/Stockfish · GitHub
  3. Commits · official-stockfish/Stockfish · GitHub
  4. Re: Lazy SMP Better than YBWC? by Marco Costalba, CCC, October 24, 2015

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