Michael Valenti

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F. Michael (Mike) Valenti,

a Canadian electrical engineer graduated from University of Toronto on the topic of chess programming. Along with his thesis supervisor Zvonko Vranesic [1], primary author of the chess program Chute (CHUTE - CHess, University of Toronto, Engineering), which participated four consecutive ACM North American Computer Chess Championships, ACM 1974, ACM 1975, ACM 1976 and ACM 1977 as well the 2nd WCCC Toronto 1977 [2].

1974 …

  • Michael Valenti (1974). CHUTE I, An Easily Modifiable Chess Playing Program. M.A.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto.
  • George Hardy (1974). The Enhancement of the Positional Playing Capabilities of F.M. Valenti’s Chess Program. BSc. Thesis, Division of Engineering Science Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto
  • Michael Valenti, Zvonko Vranesic (1977). Experiences with CHUTE. Proceedings of the ACM 1977 annual conference




  1. Z.G. Vranesic - Former Graduate Students
  2. Chute’s ICGA Tournaments

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