Merlin GB

Home * Engines * Merlin (GB)

[.jpg) Merlin [1] Merlin,

a chess program by Jeff Rollason whose development started in 1976. Initially written in Fortran for mainframe computers. Merlin already focused on a Swapping Off Material Analyzer (SOMA) approach of the whole board, which was later refined in Rollason’s Shogi program Shotest [2] and his later chess program Treebeard [3]. The micro-processor program Merlin X, basically a Z80 Assembly port to run on a Nascom 2, played the 4th European Microcomputer Chess Championship 1983 in London with 4 out of 9.


final line-up: Cliff Davies, Geoff Whitehorn, Dick Morrissey, Gabriel Magno, Walt Monaghan, Carlos Martinez


  1. Merlin, from the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493), by Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514), Wikimedia Commons
  2. Jeff Rollason (2000). SUPER-SOMA - Solving Tactical Exchanges in Shogi without Tree Searching. CG 2000
  3. Jeff Rollason, Didzis Cirulis (2005). Treebeard - A new way to do Chess. AI Factory, Summer 2005

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