Mephisto Polgar

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Polgar 5 Mhz Modules [1] Mephisto Polgar,

a dedicated chess computer module for Mephisto module systems by Hegener & Glaser launched in 1989. The Rebel based 8-bit program by Ed Schröder run on a 65C02 CMOS processor with 5MHz. The same program appeared in the Mephisto Academy, a computer with focus on didactics and teaching chess, also dedicated to the Polgar sisters Susan, Sofia and Judit. In 1990, an improved 10 MHz module was released [2].



  1. Polgar 5 Mhz from 3.Mephisto | Flickr by Chewbanta
  2. Mephisto Polgar 10 MHz from Wiki (German)

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