Matthias WC3BCllenweber

Home * People * Matthias Wüllenweber

[ Matthias Wüllenweber [1] Matthias Wüllenweber,

a German physicist, initial developer of ChessBase, the first chess game database program and the eponymous of the ChessBase company, which was founded in 1986 [2] by Wüllenweber and Journalist Frederic Friedel. Matthias Wüllenweber is also developer of the Music composing software Ludwig [3] .


  1. Matthias Wüllenweber at the press conference of the German Chess Federation in the Maritim Hotel Berlin, on the occasion of Robert von Weizsäcker’s candidacy as ECU President, Image by Frank Hopp, May 21, 2010, Wikimedia Commons, Matthias Wüllenweber from
  2. Christmas dinner on a train – meet the ChessBase team, ChessBase News, December 23, 2003
  3. Smudo, Vaile, Vladimir and Ludwig – when chess meets music, ChessBase News, July 23, 2007

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