Matthias LC3BCscher

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Matthias Lüscher [1] Matthias Lüscher,

a Swiss computer scientist and senior technology engineer. He holds a diplom degree in computerized sciences [2] from ETH Zurich, and is author of the chess engine Chessterfield. Inspired by Michael Buro’s CG 1998 paper From Simple Features to Sophisticated Evaluation Functions [3], covering not only automated parameter tuning but a procedure for exploring the feature space able to discover new features in a computational feasible way, Matthias Lüscher implemented Buro’s General Linear Evaluation Model (GLEM) inside the experimental chess program ChessterfieldCL, using a three-layer neural network as evaluation function, as documented in his technical report under supervision of Thomas Lincke and Christoph Wirth [4].

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  1. Matthias Luescher | LinkedIn
  2. Was sind Rechnergestützte Wissenschaften? | ETH Zürich
  3. Michael Buro (1998). From Simple Features to Sophisticated Evaluation Functions. CG 1998, pdf
  4. Matthias Lüscher (2000). Automatic Generation of an Evaluation Function for Chess Endgames. ETH Zurich Supervisors: Thomas Lincke and Christoph Wirth, pdf

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