Matteo Frigo

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Matteo Frigo [1] Matteo Frigo,

an Italian computer scientist and software architect at Oracle, Boston area. Matteo Frigo received his Ph.D. in 1999 from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology under Charles Leiserson, where he was member of the teams in developing *Socrates [2] and the CilkChess [3] computer chess programs. His research spans around parallel computing, SIMD parallelism, on FFT where he along with Steven G. Johnson co-developed FFTW, DSP, cache-oblivious algorithms, and theory of computation. In 2007 Matteo Frigo co-founded Cilk Arts, Inc., a start-up developing Cilk technology for multi-core computing applications, which was acquired by Intel in August 2009 [4] [5].

1997 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Matteo Frigo - LinkedIn
  2. 8th World Computer Chess Championship available as pdf reprint Courtesy of Monroe Newborn from The Computer History Museum
  3. Matteo Frigo’s ICGA Tournaments
  4. Intel Acquires Cilk++ Technology, Dr. Dobb’s, August 01, 2009
  5. Intel Cilk Plus from Wikipedia
  6. SuperTech Paper Listing
  7. Papers (co-)authored by Matteo Frigo
  8. Cilk LESS papers sorted by date
  9. dblp: Matteo Frigo
  10. FFTW from Wikipedia

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