Mathias Feist

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Mathias Feist [1] Mathias Feist,

a German computer chess programmer, ChessBase employee and formidable Chess player [2]. End of the 80s Mathias was hired by ChessBase to port the ChessBase Database program from Atari ST to the MS-DOS operating system based PCs. Mathias is co-author of the Fritz engine by primary author Frans Morsch [3] and worked on the Fritz- GUI for DOS and Windows.

At two Aegon Tournaments, 1996 and 1997 Mathias played on behalf of the humans against the machines. Mathias operated Fritz during various World Computer Chess Championships and Man-Machine matches against Kasparov [4] and Kramnik [5][6].

Selected Publications



  1. from the Photo Composition of the Participants, DOCCC 1999, Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship 1999 old CSVN site
  2. Spielerdetails Mathias Feist, Niedersächischer Schachverband (German)
  3. Mathias Feist’s ICGA Tournaments
  4. Kasparov vs X3D Fritz match finishes 2-2 after game four draw from ChessBase News, November 19, 2003
  5. Fritz Defends to Draw Game 8 and the Match! Final Score: 4-4 The Brains in Bahrain Man-Machine match is over, ChessBase News, October 19, 2002
  6. Kramnik vs Deep Fritz: Computer wins match by 4:2, ChessBase News, December 05, 2006
  7. Man vs machine shocker: Kramnik allows mate in one, Bonn, November 27, 2006
  8. Der Faktor Mensch, Der Spiegel 49/2006, December 04, 2006, (German) pdf
  9. ICGA Reference Database

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