Marvin Solomon

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Marvin H. Solomon [1] Marvin Harry Solomon,

an American mathematician, computer scientist and professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. He holds a Ph.D. with the thesis title Theoretical Issues in the Implementation of Programming Languages [2], 1977 from Cornell University [3]. His research interests covers object-oriented database systems, software development support environments, distributed operating systems, computer networks, design and implementation of programming languages, and programming language theory [4]. In 1989 and 1990, along with his Ph.D. student Igor Steinberg, he published on Steinberg’s thesis topic of Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms for Game-Tree Search [5].

1977 …

1980 …

1990 …


  1. Solomon’s Home Page
  2. Marvin Solomon (1977). Theoretical issues in the implementation of programming languages. Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University
  3. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Marvin Solomon
  4. Solomon’s Home Page
  5. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Igor Steinberg
  6. dblp: Marvin H. Solomon

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