Martin MC3BCller

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Martin Müller [1] Martin Müller,

an Austrian computer scientist, researcher, since 2000 associate professor, and since 2009 full professor at University of Alberta. Martin Müller’s academical career included the Graz University of Technology, Jürg Nievergelt’s group at ETH Zurich, University of California, Berkeley, ETL (Electrotechnical Laboratory) at University of Tsukuba and the NTT, Atsugi, Japan. His research interests focus on game-tree search and two-player games, including computer Go, Monte-Carlo tree search, depth-first proof-number search and graph history interaction (GHI). He worked within the team of Jonathan Schaeffer on solving Checkers [2], and more recently with Ryan Hayward on the game of Hex.

Selected Publications

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  • Martin Müller (1989). Eine Theoretische Basis zur Programmierung von Go. (A theoretical basis for programming Go.) Diplomarbeit, Graz University of Technology

1990 …

1995 …

2000 …





2005 …





2010 …

2015 …

2020 …


  1. Martin Müller - University of Alberta
  2. Authors - Chinook - World Man-Machine Checkers Champion
  3. Fuego from sourceforge
  4. Markus Enzenberger, Martin Müller (2009). Fuego - An Open-source Framework for Board Games and Go Engine Based on Monte-Carlo Tree Search. Technical Report TR 09-08, University of Alberta
  5. Martin Müller (2009). Fuego at the Computer Olympiad in Pamplona 2009: A Tournament Report. Technical Report TR 09-09, University of Alberta
  6. ICGA Reference Database
  7. Publications of Martin Müller’s Research Group
  8. dblp: Martin Müller 0003
  9. Re: A new(?) technique to recognize draws by Dan Andersson, CCC, June 01, 2002
  10. The SAT Game

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