Martin Belsky

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Martin A. Belsky,

an American computer scientist, early programmer and software manager. He received a master’s degree from Harvard University in 1951 and was hired by IBM in 1954, as an experienced programmer in the Service Bureau. Along with Alex Bernstein, Michael de V. Roberts and Timothy Arbuckle, Martin Belsky was co-developer of The Bernstein Chess Program for the IBM 704, which was the first complete chess program in history. He later played a key role in the technical decisions that shaped OS/360 for the IBM 360, and in the development of the MVS virtual storage operating system for the IBM 370 and subsequent systems, and also coined the term alpha/beta testing [1]. He left IBM for Burroughs Corporation in 1982 [2].




  1. Software release life cycle - History, Wikipedia
  2. Emerson W. Pugh, Lyle R. Johnson, John H. Palmer (1991). IBM’s 360 and Early 370 Systems. The MIT Press. pp. 310, 311
  3. dblp: Martin A. Belsky
  4. hosted by The Computer History Museum

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