Mark Uniacke

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Mark Uniacke [1] Mark Uniacke,

a British computer scientist, and as computer chess programmer author of HIARCS [2], available for Pocket PC, Palm, Apple iPhone & iPod Touch, PDAs, PC and Macintosh computers [3]. Mark started chess programming in 1979 and the very first Higher Intelligence Auto Response Chess System - HIARCS was already written in Basic in 1980 [4].


Quote by Mark Uniacke from Now Walking, 1982-1983: HIARCS 5 [6]:

The inspiration for the new HIARCS search was sought from the book [Chess Skill in Man and Machine](Chess_Skill_in_Man_and_Machine "Chess Skill in Man and Machine") and in particular the article "The heuristic search: An alternative to the alpha-beta minimax procedure" by [Larry Harris](Larry_Harris "Larry Harris") from [Dartmouth College](Dartmouth_College "Dartmouth College") <a id="cite-note-7" href="#cite-ref-7">[7]</a>. HIARCS was still written in the relatively primitive [BASIC](index.php?title=BASIC&action=edit&redlink=1 "BASIC (page does not exist)") programming language and being interpreted it meant the program was rather slow. To compensate for this I developed some heuristics to help guide the search and evaluation in a more targeted way. 

See also


Forum Posts


  1. Capture from the 2011 Video Interview
  2. Mark Uniacke - the author of HIARCS from HIARCS Chess Software for PC, Mac, Pocket PC, iPhone, iPod and Palm Chess
  3. HIARCS Chess Software for PC, Mac, Pocket PC, iPhone, iPod and Palm Chess
  4. Hiarcs Chronicles from HIARCS Chess Software for PC, Mac, Pocket PC, iPhone, iPod and Palm Chess
  5. Hiarcs Fan Page by Thorsten Czub
  6. Now Walking, 1982-1983: HIARCS 5 from HIARCS Chess Software for PC, Mac, Pocket PC, iPhone, iPod and Palm Chess
  7. Larry Harris (1974). Heuristic Search under Conditions of Error. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, No. 3, also as (1977). The heuristic search: An alternative to the alpha-beta minimax procedure. Chess Skill in Man and Machine

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