Marcus KC3A4stner

Home * People * Marcus Kästner

Marcus Kästner [1] Marcus Kästner,

a German actor [2] and lawyer [3], and computer chess expert and former computer chess journalist. He was publisher and editor of the German computer chess magazine ChessBits, which was first released in 1999. The unexpected death of Marcus partner and co-editor Detlef Elvis Pordzik in 2003 was the main reason the magazine was discontinued.

Forum Posts

Re: Marcus Kastner versus Millennium (again) by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, CCC, December 06, 2000 Re: Marcus Kastner versus Millennium—lets put this in order by Christophe Théron, CCC, December 06, 2000


  1. Marcus Kästner - YouTube, Image from Marcus Kästner Demo, YouTube Video, 1:08
  2. Marcus Kästner - IMDb
  3. Marcus Kästner - Deutsche Anwaltauskunft

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