Marc Lanctot

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Marc Lanctot [1] Marc Lanctot,

a Canadian computer scientist at Google DeepMind involved in the AlphaZero project, and before post-doctoral researcher for the Maastricht University Games and AI Group [2] of Mark Winands. He holds a M.Sc. from McGill University in 2005 [3] , and a Ph.D. from University of Alberta in 2013 [4] . Marc is generally interested in AI, machine learning, and games. His current research focus is on sampling algorithms for equilibrium computation and decision-making, as well as variants of Monte-Carlo Tree Search.

2005 …

2010 …

2015 …

2020 …


  1. Marc Lanctot’s Web Page
  2. Games and AI Group
  3. Marc Lanctot (2005). Adaptive Virtual Environments in Multi-player Computer Games. MSc. Thesis, McGill University
  4. Marc Lanctot (2013). Monte Carlo Sampling and Regret Minimization for Equilibrium Computation and Decision-Making in Large Extensive Form Games. Ph.D. thesis, University of Alberta, advisor Michael Bowling
  5. dblp: Marc Lanctot
  6. AlphaZero: Shedding new light on the grand games of chess, shogi and Go by David Silver, Thomas Hubert, Julian Schrittwieser and Demis Hassabis, DeepMind, December 03, 2018
  7. open_spiel/ at master · deepmind/open_spiel · GitHub

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