Manuela Veloso

Home * People * Manuela Veloso

[ Manuela M. Veloso [1] Manuela Maria Veloso,

a Portuguese American electrical engineer, computer scientist, Herbert A. Simon professor at School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, president of the AAAI from 2012 until 2014, and past president of the International RoboCup Federation. She received her M.Sc. in electrical engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon in 1984, and her Ph.D. in CS from Carnegie Mellon with the thesis Learning by Analogical Reasoning in General Purpose Problem Solving under advisor Jaime Carbonell in 1992. Her multi-agent and multi-robot research interests have been motivated by and experimented in the domain of robot soccer - her long-term research goal is the effective construction of autonomous agents where cognition, perception, and action are combined to address planning, execution, and learning tasks [2].

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Manuela Veloso speaking at the Turing centennial conference at Manchester Town Hall, Photo by David.Monniaux, June 24, 2012, Manuela M. Veloso from Wikipedia
  2. Manuela Veloso - Mechanical Engineering - Carnegie Mellon University
  3. dblp: Manuela M. Veloso

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