Maciej Szmit

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Maciej Szmit [1] Maciej Szmit,

a Polish economist (Ph.D.), computer scientist, senior IT security specialist at IBM, and assistent professor at University of Łódź, and before, professor at Technical University of Łódź and lecturer at Poznań University of Economics and Business. His research interests include analysis of time series along with exponential smoothing as well as pseudorandom number generators.

Selected Publications


1998 …

  • Anna Górecka, Maciej Szmit (1998). Programowe generatory liczb pseudolosowych. Znacie - to posłuchajcie. Software 11/1998 (Polish) [4]
  • Anna Górecka, Maciej Szmit (1999). Exchange rates prediction by ARIMA and Neural Networks Models. 47th International Atlantic Economic Conerence (Abstract: International Advances of Economic Research Vol 5 Nr 4 Nov. 1999, St Louis, MO, USA 1999), pdf

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Maciej Szmit - LinkedIn
  2. Notatki: Computer Chess
  3. dblp: Maciej Szmit
  4. Pseudorandom Number Generator
  5. Double exponential smoothing - Wikipedia

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